AllThings.Bio video about bio-based toys

When it comes to bio-based plastics, consumers still have many questions. A lot of scientific information is available, but it is difficult for a laymen audience to fully understand such a complex topic, and too many questions often remain unanswered.

The European projects BioCannDo aims to address this information gap by distributing through its portal AllThings.Bio a bouquet of online resources, which have one element in common: communicating about bio-based products by relaying clear and scientifically sound messages, which can be easily understood by a general audience. The ultimate goal of the project is ambitious: raising awareness of bio-based materials to increase their acceptance.

Bio-based plastic toys have been one of the topics covered by AllThings.Bio. In January 2019, a short video clip was published, showing a bio-based plastic truck. In the video questions from consumers about this bio-based toy are answered. Like other All.Things.Bio videos, this clip has been designed for distribution via social media, where it has been successful.

In addition to the video, the BioCannDo article “Making plastic toys from biomass” investigates specific aspects around bio-based plastic toys and provides further background information and resources for readers who want to know more.

Over the last two and a half years, AllThings.Bio has established itself as an information hub with a clear focus on consumer communication. The portal also acts as a public repository of communication materials about bio-based products selected by the BioCannDo project.

AllThings.Bio is managed by the Bioeconomy Awareness and Discourse Project (BioCannDo). The BioCannDo project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 720732.