Mr Andy Sweetman, Sales & Marketing Manager EMEA

In each issue of the Bioplastics Bulletin, we present five facts about a member of European Bioplastics. This month, Mr Andy Sweetman, Sales & Marketing Manager EMEA, shares some information on the world’s leading producer of sustainable cellulose packaging films.

5 facts about Futamura, United Kingdom

  1. Futamura uses only certified and responsibly managed renewable resources (wood pulp) for its NatureFlex™ films
  2. NatureFlex films meet the standards for industrial composting according to EN 13432 as well as being certified home compostable by TÜV Austria
  3. NatureFlex films are an ideal partner to laminate with other compostable packaging films for enhanced product protection and sealability
  4. Futamura is working hard to advise the UK government about how compostable packaging can and should be organically recycled with food and/or garden waste
  5. Our films are being used by a number of smaller ethical brands as well as growing in popularity with larger main stream global brands