In each issue of the Bioplastics Bulletin, we present 5 facts about a member of European Bioplastics. In this issue, Bruno De Wilde, Lab Manager at Organic Waste Systems (OWS), shares some information on the global leader in biodegradability testing, based in Belgium.
5 facts about OWS, Belgium

Bruno De Wilde, Lab Manager, OWS
- Organic Waste Systems (OWS) started in 1988 as spin-off from the University of Gent and has 2 major divisions. One is on engineering of biogasification plants using the DRANCO technology. Worldwide 30 plants have been built. Another division is providing laboratory and consulting services and has several subdivisions such as biogas testing and consultancy, sustainability assessment services (LCA, C-footprint, etc.), auditing and controlling services (mainly inspection in packaging recycling). The largest subdivision is working on biodegradability and compostability.
- The laboratory division counts 50 people, 25 of which are working on biodegradability. Total testing capacity is about 1,050 reactors (120 for ISO 14855, 60 for ISO 16929, 600 for ISO 17556, 120 for aquatic, 60 for anaerobic, etc.).
- OWS is also very active in standardization, playing an active role in various ISO, CEN, ASTM, DIN and AFNOR committees.
- Since 1989, OWS has tested more than 10,000 samples coming from about 1,250 customers from 40 countries all over the world. OWS has subdivisions in USA and Germany and partners in Japan, China, Taiwan, France, and UK.
- Further assets of OWS laboratory are its strict independency and objectivity, scientific approach (several publications), its recognition by all certification agencies on compostability worldwide (as only lab) and its quality control system (ISO 17025).Further info can be found on