Press Releases
Biodegradable mulch films supported in revision of EU Fertilisers Regulation
Berlin, 13 July 2017 – Today, the European Parliament’s Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) adopted its report amending the European Commission's proposal for a revision of the Fertilisers Regulation. In its report, the IMCO Committee acknowledges the innovative potential of biodegradable mulch films, which provide positive [...]
European Bioplastics elects new Board – François de Bie confirmed as Chairman
The new Board of European Bioplastics (from left to right): Erwin Lepoudre (Kaneka), Henri Colens (Braskem), Stefano Facco (Novamont), Mariagiovanna Vetere (NatureWorks), Michael von Ketteler (BASF SE), Peter Brunk (BIOTEC), and François de Bie (Total Corbion PLA). © European Bioplastics Berlin, 22 June 2017 – European Bioplastics [...]
MEPs pave the way for bioplastics in vote on waste legislation
Berlin, 14 March 2017 – European Bioplastics (EUBP), the association representing the bioplastics industry in Europe, welcomes the positive outcome of the European Parliament’s plenary vote today on the waste legislation proposal concerning the EU Circular Economy Package. The vote of the Members of Parliament recognises the contributions of [...]
Bioplastics an important part of the EU roadmap for the strategy on plastics in a circular economy
Berlin, 27 January 2017 – European Bioplastics (EUBP), the association representing the bioplastics industry along the entire value chain in Europe, welcomes the EU Roadmap for a Strategy on Plastics in a Circular Economy published yesterday by the European Commission. “An EU Plastics Strategy is needed to drive continued [...]
European Parliament’s ENVI Committee backs bioplastics in vote on waste legislation
Berlin, 25 January 2017 – European Bioplastics (EUBP), the association representing the bioplastics industry in Europe, congratulates the European Parliament's Environment Committee and rapporteur Simona Bonafè on their strong efforts and the results of yesterday's vote on the waste legislation proposals concerning the EU Circular Economy Package. The positive [...]
‘Rethinking Plastics’ – Insights into the bioplastic materials of the future
11th European Bioplastics Conference in Berlin attracts 300 experts from around the world François de Bie, Chairman of European Bioplastics, welcoming around 300 participants to the 11th European Bioplastics Conference 2016 (c) European Bioplastics Berlin, 1 December 2016 – The 11th European Bioplastics Conference took place on 29/30 [...]
Global bioplastics production capacities continue to grow despite low oil price
Stronger political support needed to realise full potential of bio-based materials in Europe Berlin, 30 November 2016. The results of European Bioplastics’ annual market data update, presented today at the 11th European Bioplastics Conference in Berlin, confirm a stable growth of the global bioplastics industry. “The market is predicted [...]
Rethinking Plastics – Programme Preview for the 11th European Bioplastics Conference 2016
New policy frameworks, market developments, innovative products and materials Press Release Berlin, 15 September 2016. With less than 80 days to go, the preparations for the 11th European Bioplastics Conference on 29/30 November 2016 in Berlin are in full swing and the speaker line-up for the two-day event features some exciting new [...]
EUBP welcomes EP report on revised waste legislation
EU Parliament report on revised waste legislation emphasises the role of bioplastics in the transition to a circular economy Press Release Berlin, 8 June 2016 – European Bioplastics (EUBP), the association representing the bioplastics industry in Europe, welcomes the draft reports on the revised EU waste legislation by MEP [...]
UNEP Report on Marine Plastic Debris and Microplastics
EUBP stresses importance of improving waste management on land to solve the problem of marine litter Press Statement Berlin, 6 June 2016 – In a recent report on ‘marine plastic debris and microplastics’ published earlier last month, the UNEP describes the sources and effects of plastics and microplastics in [...]