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activity report NOV/DEC 2022

Dear members,

Please find below an overview of activities carried out by European Bioplastics throughout November and December 2022.


Board and Members Meeting

Throughout November and December 2022, the EUBP Board and Management met twice, once in Brussels on 18 November and again virtually on 5 December. Main topics on the agenda were the renting of an office in Brussels and the posting of an advertisement for a Communications Manager as well as a Policy Affairs Officer to be hired for the Brussels office. Other topics included the drafting of a general policy strategy, including a Materials Management Concept and a Heat Map, allowing to prioritize the upcoming tasks to be fulfilled.

The General Assembly took place on 13 December in Brussels, where, apart from the usual formalities, including the adoption of the annual Work Program and the Budget Proposal for 2023, which included a proposed raise of the membership fee, both the Materials Management Concept and the Heat Map were also presented and adopted by the General Assembly.

For more information regarding Board meetings, please contact Hasso von Pogrell (pogrell@european-bioplastics.org).


Regulatory Affairs (WG REGA)

The WG REGA met on 23 November (online) to discuss the latest EU policy developments impacting business operations.

Members mainly discussed the planned actions of the Circular Economy Package II 2022, including the Communication on an EU policy framework for bio-based, biodegradable and compostable plastics, the proposal for a revised Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD), the proposal for a regulation on substantiating environmental claims (delayed until Q1 2023), as well as the proposal on measures to reduce the release of microplastics, which were all expected to be published on 30 November 2022.

At the end of October, a new draft of the Commission’s proposal for a Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste was leaked, still including a de-facto ban of all compostable plastic packaging, with the exemption of a very limited list of (4) packaging applications that are proposed to be mandatory compostable. Furthermore, the proposal completely lacked any recognition and support for the bioeconomy and its products, including biobased plastics. EUBP provided a strong opinion as well as detailed proposals for amendments (reg. Art. 8) to relevant DGs (incl. ENV, GROW, RTD, AGRI, SANTE) on 26 October. EUBP also co-signed a joint industry letter (led by Packaging Chain Forum) to the Commission President on 11 November and sent another separate letter to Commission President on 18 November (signed by individual CEOs/EUBP member companies) highlighting the specific concerns of the bioplastics sector.

After the publication of the CEP II on 30 November 2022, WG REGA held a strategy meeting on 14 December to discuss and develop the strategic approach to EUBP's outreach on the PPWR proposal throughout 2023. In the final proposal for a PPWR, the initially proposed partial ban for compostable packaging was eventually lifted. However, a few concerns remain that will need to be addresses with the Parliament and Council. REGA identified key concerns of the current proposal, including the positive list for compostable packaging (Art. 8), the definition of 'material recycling' (Art. 6 and Art. 8) and the risk of a ban through the back door, the requirements for packaging to be 'recyclable' and 'recyclable at scale' (Art. 6), the lack of a promotion of biobased content equivalent to the targets for recycled content (Art. 7), and the proposed restrictions on the use of certain packaging formats (Art. 22). It was further agreed to propose an additional paragraph that sets up a dedicated EPR scheme for compostable plastics, similar to the Italian scheme, in order to support the use and recycling of compostable plastic packaging applications.

EUBP will now develop an overall position on the PPWR proposal outlining the sectors of main concerns and asks (based on the priorities that have been identified during this meeting) which will serve as basis for the initial outreach to other potential allies and associations. EUBP will further draft concrete proposals for amendments based on the identified priorities (not to be submitted to the consultation but to be attached to the position to support the outreach in the upcoming legislative procedure).

The PPWR proposal was moved to the Parliament and the Council (co-decision process / ordinary legislative procedure) in December. The trilogue is expected to start soon after/early 2023. In the meantime, the Commission has launched a public consultation on the PPWR proposal to gather feedback from stakeholders, which will be consolidated in a report provided to the Parliament and the Council in Q1/2023. The consultation is open until 6 February 2023 (the deadline is currently being extended until the proposal is available in all European languages). The feedback is limited to 4,000 characters. It was agreed that EUBP will submit a response based on the key concerns and messages agreed during the December meeting.

On 30 November 2022, the Commission also published its non-legislative Policy Framework for biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics. The Communication acknowledges the potential of innovative bioplastic materials to provide genuine environmental benefits. However, a few persistent misconceptions remain in the Communication on the policy framework for biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics with regards to land-use, the methods used to evaluate environmental benefits, alleged risks of cross-contamination of waste streams, as well as biodegradability in different environments, which prevented the Commission from fully embracing the shift to biobased products in relevant legislation such as the PPWR proposal. EUBP included a short statement on the policy framework in the press release on the Circular Economy Package II published on 30 November. It was decided not to release any further detailed commentary, since the framework is non-legislative.

The next meeting of the REGA WG will be held online on 18 January 2023.

As of 1 January 2023, Roberto Ferrigno will be the new Head of Policy Affairs and Head of the EUBP Brussels branch office, leading the WG REGA. For further detailed information on the work of the WG Regulatory Affairs, please refer to the slides and minutes of the last meeting or contact Roberto Ferrigno (ferrigno@european-bioplastics.org).


BON Europe

BON Europe met on 7 December 2022 in Berlin (during the EUBP Conference) to discuss the most recent EU policy updates and their potential impacts on MS level policies, including the recent proposal for a revised Regulation for Packaging and Packaging Waste. Member States of particular importance for the next year(s) will be Sweden, Spain, Belgium, and Hungary (due to their upcoming EU Presidencies). Outreach via the national associations will need to start asap in order to establish and strengthen the access to key policy makers in those Member States. Further details will be discussed within EUBP’s regulatory affairs working group (WG REGA).

It was therefore decided (in the EUBP Board) to invite the BON Europe group to join EUBP WG REGA in order to align the outreach strategy and messages, and to share resources, particularly in light of the limited (human and financial) resources in the national associations to roll out larger advocacy campaigns. After the REGA meetings, there will be a dedicated session of about 30 minutes on “country updates / updates from BON members”. Additionally, there will be 1-2 BON Europe meetings during the year, dates still tba.

There are currently nine national bioplastics associations in the BON network, including ASOBIOCOM, BBIA, Belgian BioPackaging, AFCB Association Française des Compostables Biosourcés, Holland Bioplastics, Hungarian Bioplastics Association, Nordisk Bioplastförening, Verbund kompostierbare Produkte.

It was suggested to try and bring the Italian bioplastics association back into BON Europe.

For more information regarding BON Europe, please contact Katrin Schwede (schwede@european-bioplastics.org).


Product Groups

Product Group Biobased

PG Biobased had a meeting on 9 December. Topics included a mass balance approach for plastics made from biobased feedstock, LCA of biobased plastics, activities concerning PEF methodology, and recyclability of biobased plastics. An update of the work in the TFs was given as well. For more details, please see the minutes uploaded in the members area.

A second draft for a position on mass balance approach using biobased feedstock was shared with the group. This draft has been restructured compared to the first version and saw some changes in content and wording. Comments could be submitted until 10 January. There will be a meeting with the PG members who have sent feedback on 25 January. The next meeting of PG Biobased is scheduled for 9 March 2023, 10:00a.m. CET, online.

For further information regarding bio-based plastics, including sustainability issues and the work of the PG and TFs, please contact Constance Ißbrücker (issbruecker@european-bioplastics.org).

Product Group Biodegradables

The PG biodegradables met online on 9 November. The group discussed recent publications and their media coverage and how EUBP should react. The group was also updated on recent developments regarding AD and the development of a position paper, EUBPs application to become a member of a new expert group on Carbon Removal, the upcoming update of the Composting Landscape, and the activities of the Task Forces Bayreuth, REACH Polymer Registration, REACH Intentionally Added Microplastics, and AGRI. For detailed information, please refer to the minutes.

The next meeting of PG Biodegradables will take place on 8 February 2023, 10:00 a.m. CET, online.

The TF REACH Polymer Registration held meetings on 15 and 29 November as well as on 16 December. EUBP shared the CEFIC non-PRR (polymers requiring registration) list with the group members and asked for feedback and additional monomers to be included. EUBP added several substances on the request by individual members. The CEFIC sub-group will finalise the list in January 2023. The TF will meet again on 19 January.

The TF AGRI members met on 11 and 25 November to discuss the status quo of the Q&A document and the dissemination once it’s finalized. The group also talked about the goal and the agenda of the roundtable event on 8 December. This event took place online with invited speakers of different universities and research institutes worldwide. The goal was to start a discussion between industry and researchers to identify gaps and clarify common misconceptions. The roundtable was seen in general as a success and will be carried out again in the near future.

EUBP furthermore discussed to become member of the SWAP project consortium. This project will look into the performance of different kind of mulch films (incl. soil-biodegradable) and have a closer look at LCA of these applications.

For more information regarding PG Biodegradables, please contact Constance Ißbrücker (issbruecker@european-bioplastics.org).

Working Group Standardisation

EUBP is currently trying to identify a necessary involvement in processes resulting from the EC standardisation request M/584 for recyclability of plastics and recycling of plastics. EUBP discussed with DIN which working groups could be relevant, but a final decision still needs to be made.

The revision of EN 13432 in CEN/TC 261 SC 4 WG 2 is ongoing – the next meeting is scheduled for February.

CEN/TC 411 WG 4 is actively working on a standard which will give additional guidelines for comparative LCAs of biobased and fossil-based products. The committee met on 14 and 15 December in Wageningen to discuss and evaluate existing information and how to implement it in the NWI. The next meeting will be hosted by EUBP on 21 and 22 February 2023 in Berlin. The group is still looking for LCA experts to support the work.

WG Standardisation will meet on 11 January 10 a.m. CET to discuss these developments.

For more information on standards for bioplastics, current standardisation processes, and certification of bioplastics, please contact Constance Ißbrücker (issbruecker@european-bioplastics.org).



Please find under the following link a selection of relevant media clippings from November /December 2022 (online).

In November, Comms was able to finalize the work on a new PowerPoint master which is now ready for use.

During November and December, most of EUBP Comms’ activities focused on the conference. This especially included social media activities before, during, and after the event. Comms also published two press releases: one on the new EUBP market data published on 6 December and one on 9 December providing a summary of the conference. In order to further promote the EUBP market data, Comms developed a 2-pager with a summary of the most important data. The follow-up activities also included the coordination of several interview requests by journalists, e.g., an interview with the Chairman of EUBP. Prior to the conference, Comms already published a third press release on the proposal of a Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation and the policy framework for bioplastics proposed by the European Commission on 30 November.

EUBP Comms also organised and held the second meeting of the recently reactivated WG Comms (29 November). During the meeting, the WG members discussed the WG Working Programme 2023/2024 which was drafted by Comms and the WG Comms Chair. The discussed version will be used as a preliminary working programme and might have to be adapted once EUBP’s overall strategy is completed.

EUBP Comms also participated in several EUBP working groups and network meetings, e.g., the monthly REGA meetings, the PG Biodegradables meeting, a meeting with US Plastics, the PEF alliance, and several EUBA meetings.

Throughout the month of November and December, EUBP Comms responded to additional media inquiries, including the approval of copyrights and background information on bioplastics.

For more information or questions concerning the communications activities of EUBP, please contact Oliver Buchholz (buchholz@european-bioplastics.org).


Seedling Logo

EUBP has been approached regarding the need of a composting standard and certification scheme in South Korea. To discuss if and how the Seedling scheme could be an option, EUBP is currently coordinating with the involved parties. A discussion with the certification bodies already took place in November. EUBP is currently also trying to revise the communication around the seedling logo. It should be made clear that the certified products and materials are intended for industrial composting and should not be littered.

The next meeting of the Advisory Board of the Seedling Scheme (ACS) will take place on 13 January 2023, 2:00 p.m., online.

For more information on the Seedling Logo or the Certification Scheme, please contact Constance Ißbrücker (issbruecker@european-bioplastics.org).



European Bioplastics Conference

In November, the organisation of the 17th EUBP Conference was finalized, incl. briefings for speakers, moderators and exhibitors, and floor plan design. The event platform was also completed, and all details were discussed with the technical supplier and the location. In December, the conference took place with great success, over 350 participants on-site and online, more than 30 exhibitors and posters. The feedback from the participants was very positive. After the conference, the invoicing process started, and the conference presentations were shared. Furthermore, the location scouting for the conference in 2023 also started again, as EUBP would like to change the location. Corresponding offers have been received.

The organisation of the General Assembly and networking event in June 2023 has also started, and the location scouting in Brussels is ongoing.

For more information or questions concerning the annual conference and further EUBP events, please contact Denise Valdix (valdix@european-bioplastics.org or conference@european-bioplastics.org).



Estela López-Hermoso and Chiara Bearzotti are the EUBP project managers since September 2022. European Bioplastics is currently a consortium partner in four EU funded projects.
In November, European Bioplastics, as the partner responsible for policy, regulatory affairs, and standardisation in the PRESERVE project, participated in several meetings organised by the European Bioplastics Research Network (EBRN) together with dozens of other projects in this realm. The aim of these workshops was to inform European policymakers about the research carried out in these projects. The final workshop, with the participation of policy officers from the European Commission, is available on YouTube. Also, within PRESERVE, EUBP is now leading a Working Group on Policy and Regulatory Affairs as part of a Cluster of Horizon 2020 Projects (with up-PEt and UPLIFT).
On 17 November, EUBP participated in a European Bioeconomy University (EBU) All Circles Meeting in November and connected with all the partners to find synergies.
On 6 and 7 December, EUBP project managers participated in the 17th European Bioplastics Conference, supporting partners in the presentation of the PRESERVE, BIOnTop, BioSupPack and BIOMAC posters.
On 6 December, EUBP, together with partners ENCO and ASU, organised a BIOnTop Experts Breakfast back-to-back to the conference to present the preliminary results of the project to an interested expert audience.
On 7 December, a background paper on Food Contact Materials was prepared and shared with the BIOnTop and PRESERVE project partners.
On 13 and 14 December, BIOnTop celebrated its general meeting in Pisa, the last one before its closure in May 2023.
BIOMAC launched an Open Call for SMEs, Research institutes and other organisations to join its Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) and access the services of the project and its Pilot Lines on 14 December.

For more information or requests concerning EUBP’s involvement in EU-funded projects, please contact Chiara Bearzotti and Estela López-Hermoso (euprojects@european-bioplastics.org).


Planned activities

Regulatory Affairs

  • Develop strategic outreach to Parliament and Council regarding PPWR proposal
  • Develop position and concrete proposals for amendments to the PPWR proposal
  • Develop response to the Commission’s public consultation on the PPWR proposal (February)
  • Lead EUBA ad-hoc working group on PPWR proposal (12 January)
  • Lead January meeting of EUBA’s operational group (19 January)
  • Provide feedback to the public consultation on FCMs (11 January)
  • Continue outreach to Commission and Member States on Microplastics Act
  • Next REGA meeting on 18 January (online)


  • Update EUBP publications
  • Start annual report 2022

BON Europe

  • Draft country fact sheets, engage BON members for input
  • Next meeting on 18 January (online, after EUBP WG REGA meeting)

PG Biobased

  • Position paper on mass balance approaches
  • Collect information on biobased additives (TF3)
  • Next meeting PG Biobased 9 March 2023 (online)
  • TF meetings to be scheduled

PG Biodegradables

  • PP Anaerobic Digestion
  • Draft Q&A document on soil-biodegradable mulch films (TF Agri)
  • Update European Composting Landscape
  • TF REACH Polymer Registration meeting on 19 January 2023
  • Next meeting PG on 8 February 2023

WG Standardisation

  • Monitor revision process EN 13432 and activities in relevant WGs of CEN/TCs 249 and 411
  • CEN/TC 261 SC 4 WG 2 Meeting in February 2023
  • CEN/TC 411 WG 4 project on comparative LCAs
  • CEN/TC 411 WG 4 Meeting on 21/22 February 2023

Seedling Logo

  • Finalisation of the new version of the CS
  • Finalize extended communication instructions

If you have any suggestions regarding the content and/or format of our monthly report, please do not hesitate to share them with us.  

This email is sent to all the contacts of our member companies that we have registered in our database. If you would like to share it with further colleagues, kindly send us an email to members@european-bioplastics.org. 

Kind regards,
Hasso v. Pogrell



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