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activity report Sept/Oct 2020

Dear members,

Please find below an overview of activities of European Bioplastics throughout September/October 2020.


Regulatory Affairs (WG REGA)

The European Bioplastics’ Working Group Regulatory Affairs (WG REGA) last met on 21 October. The group held a discussion about preparations for a call to discuss the Policy Framework for Bioplastics. This was subsequently held on 27 October and covered advocacy priorities and areas of concern with regards to the studies commissioned by DG Environment. Other topics addressed included the Circular Economy Action Plan Own Initiative Report in the European Parliament. Overall, the reports from the various committees had been positive in that there was some mention of the importance of organic recycling and renewable, bio-based solutions. MEP Luena had made a negative amendment with regards to compostables. A follow-up with her was done together with ASOBIOCOM, the Spanish bioplastics association. An outreach would continue over the coming weeks to try to ensure a favourable end result. The WG REGA was also working to develop a common position on a plastics tax. EUBP would shortly begin to work on drafting a response to the public consultation on PPWD and the Essential Requirements. This would be circulated to the WG for comments. There were further updates on a variety of topics, including on taxonomy, on product sustainability and on the Commission’s ongoing negotiations with the Member States on the Multi Annual Financial Framework (MFF) - For further details, please see the previously circulated slides and minutes of the meetings.  

A letter had been prepared and sent to the new Director General of DG Environment, Florika Fink-Hooijer, copying in other relevant Commissioners and DGs, highlighting an apparent bias against bioplastics. The letter had been co-signed by the Presidents and chairs of national bioplastics associations from Belgium, the Nordic region, France, Netherlands, Germany, Spain and Italy. The BON Europe Group (National Associations for Bioplastics) had arranged to meet on a monthly basis to discuss other areas for potential collaboration (see below). DG Environment had confirmed the receipt of this, and a subsequent conversation with Werner Bosmans provided some initial feedback which was circulated to the REGA WG in advance of the meeting on a Policy Framework for Bioplastics on 27 October.

For detailed information on the work of the WG Regulatory Affairs, please contact Joanna Dupont-Inglis (inglis@european-bioplastics.org).


BON Europe

BON Europe (Bioplastics Organisations Network) is an alliance of European Bioplastics and European national bioplastics organisations. It was launched in 2015 with the mission to connect initiatives around the bioplastics industry on EU level and in the Member States.

The group is planning to intensify its work in the future, cooperating with WG REGA and the Product Groups where applicable. The group met online on 2 September and on 13 October, discussing its support for the letter to Florika Fink-Hooijer and recent bioplastics-related developments on Member State level.

For more information regarding BON Europe, please contact Katharina Hinse (hinse@european-bioplastics.org).


Product Groups

Product Group Bio-based

During September, several draft papers were circulated within the Task Forces of the PG Bio-based. Task Force 3 (Feedstock) is dealing with a paper on sugar as a feedstock for bio-based plastics. A Fact Sheet on chemical recycling is circulating within Task Force 2 (End-of-Life) and is about to be finalized within the next weeks. In addition, a draft paper having a closer look at incineration as end-of-life option for bio-based plastics is currently in the making.

TF1 and 3 have been asked to have a look at the current template for the estimation of land use of bio-based plastics. The updated market data will be implemented in November, followed by the publication of the new shares and according graphics during the annual EUBP conference in the beginning of December.

The next web meeting of the PG Biobased is scheduled for 14 January 2021 (10:00am – 12:00am).

For more information regarding bio-based plastics including sustainability issues and the work of the PG and TFs, please contact Constance Ißbrücker (issbruecker@european-bioplastics.org).

Product Group Biodegradables

During September, further input was given on the draft paper “Claims on Biodegradability and Compostability”, which should provide guidelines for the use of different terms around biodegradability and compostability. All comments have been implemented, and the paper is scheduled to be published in November.

The next web meeting of the PG Biodegradables will take place on 13 January 2021 (10:00am – 12:00am).

For more information regarding PG Biodegradables and the TF Marine, please contact Constance Ißbrücker (issbruecker@european-bioplastics.org).

Working Group Standardisation

On 15 September 2020, the WG Standardisation held a web meeting focussing on a possible revision of EN 13432. Work on this topic had been initiated in the predecessor of this WG – the “EUBP Ad hoc WG EN 13432” – already in 2015. In a continuing series of meetings, the group will work on preparing an EUBP opinion for the revision of the standard. During this first meeting, the WG focussed on key questions such as the disintegration time of 12 weeks and requests for certifying disintegration/biodegradation within anaerobic digestion. The WG met again on 15 October to discuss possible standardisation activities on anaerobic digestion. There is currently no call for such a standard from policy side, and the group agreed that EN 13432 should continue to be the one European standard dealing with organic recycling. An update of, or additions to, the current statements on AD in the norm might be necessary.

The next web meeting of the WG will take place on 11 December at 10:00am.

CEN/TC 261 SC 4 WG 2 met three times in October to discuss comments received during the public inquiry for the draft standard on home compostable carrier bags. There are more meetings scheduled in the upcoming weeks. The standard prEN 17472 “Packaging - Requirements and test scheme for carrier bags suitable for treatment in well-managed home composting installations” is scheduled to be published in 2021.

For more information on standards for bioplastics, current standardisation processes, and certification of bioplastics, please contact Constance Ißbrücker (issbruecker@european-bioplastics.org).



Please find under the following link a selection of relevant media clippings from September/October 2020 (online).

On 4 September, the WG Comms held an online meeting (see minutes here). The main topic of the meeting was the finalization of the new work program for 2021/2022. In the course of the discussion of the work program, the members also issued EUBP’s website and social media activities. It was agreed that an improvement of the EUBP’s presence in the web would require additional budget and even additional work force. Aside from this, Joanna Dupont-Inglis, the new EUBP Head of EU Affairs, was introduced to the WG members in order to strengthen the relation between WG Comms and WG REGA. She gave an overview on key political processes on the EU level.

On 9 September, EUBP Comms distributed a press release which responded to the media coverage created by a fact sheet on bioplastics published by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The media coverage was almost exclusively biased, ignoring the many positive aspects on bioplastics included in the fact sheet and even adding false information.

On 27 and 29 October, EUBP Comms distributed the German (27 Oct) and the English (29 Oct) version of a press release which responded to the media echo generated by a toxicity study carried out by the University of Frankfurt. The researchers tested bio-based compostable products and claimed they would include harmful chemical substances. The press release primarily focused on the positive aspects of bioplastics, namely their toxicological safety, as they successfully meet all EU standards. In order to tackle the study, which, for strategic reasons, was only briefly mentioned in the press releases, EUBP won two EUBP members from PG Standardization to write a critical blog post for the EUBP Bulletin (October edition). EUBP was successful in positioning the positive headline, as both versions of the press release were picked up frequently, including the online formats of several German key media outlets.

Throughout September and October, EUBP Comms was very successful in establishing additional media partnerships to promote the European Bioplastics Conference 2020, including Packaging Europe, EUWID, Plastics in Packaging, Sustainable Packaging, and many more. The number of partners even exceeded the one of last year. The promotion activities also included larger print ads in outlets, such as Packaging Europe, Bioplastics Magazine, or EU Recycling Journal. Comms also promoted the conference through EUBP’s social media channels.  

Throughout September and October, EUBP Comms also attended several meetings of WG REGA, including the regular REGA meetings on 23 September and 21 October as well as the kick-off meeting to discuss lobby activities on the Policy Framework for Bioplastics (27 October). The intention of the joint meetings was to further deepen the understanding of the relevant political processes on the EU level and to align the EUBP communication activities with those of the regulatory affairs.

EUBP Comms is currently updating the following documents:

  • Fact Sheet: What are bioplastics?

During September/October, EUBP Comms also coordinated the responses to several requests by journalists and companies regarding detailed information on different aspects of bioplastics.

For more information or questions concerning the communications activities of EUBP, please contact Oliver Buchholz (buchholz@european-bioplastics.org).


Seedling Logo

On 4 September, the Advisory Committee for the Seedling Mark held its regular jour fixe web meeting. In these meetings, the Committee, among other, discusses questions arising during testing and certification, and works on possible changes to the Seedling Certification Scheme. The top issues during the September meeting were the disintegration testing of products smaller than 2 mm and the replacement of layers in glued laminates. The next meeting of the ACS will take place on 4 December.

For more information on the Seedling Logo or the Certification Scheme, please contact Constance Ißbrücker (issbruecker@european-bioplastics.org).



In September, EUBP has been in contact with different virtual conference software providers, in order to find the most suitable virtual event platform for this year’s 15th European Bioplastics Conference. After having assessed different online events throughout the year, the criteria were narrowed and it was defined what requirements were needed to make the conference as user friendly as possible, including elements such as individual booths, presentations and networking areas.

Using these criteria, EUBP reached out to virtual conference providers and evaluated the different offers. Deliberating on the offer, the resources available, opportunities for sponsorships as well as additional features available, it was decided to go ahead with vfairs, who offered the best value for cost and can provide features such as virtual exhibitions and a very user-friendly interface for all visitor and exhibitors of the conference to set up and use all features. In addition, vfairs offers support and assistance throughout the setting up phase as well as during the conference.

After having decided to go ahead with vfairs, the creation of the conference landing page is currently underway. We further deliberated on sponsorship opportunities and determined a fee structure for exhibitors and visitors. We have opened the registration with an early kick off deal and have used the month of October in order to create the program,

This year's virtual conference’ program will have mostly vivid panel discussions, for which we used also the month October to reach out to potential panelists for the stage. Registration for the event can be found here.

Furthermore, we are happy to welcome TÜV Austria as our platinum sponsor.

If you are also interested in becoming sponsor or become an exhibitor in the virtual exhibition hall, please contact Hannah Heimann (conference@european-bioplastics.org).



PolyBioSkin (Accomplished)

http://www.polybioskin.eu (BBI-JU)

All technical work packages have been finished and PolyBioSkin entered the technical and financial reporting phase. Therefore, throughout September and October, all data has been compiled to create a final report. However, as PolyBioSkin has not officially ended yet, we will keep reporting about possible follow-ups, any further developments, and scale-ups that might arise from EUBP’s first successful BBI-JU project involvement.

BIOnTop (Project month: 16 and 17 of 48)

https://biontop.eu (BBI-JU)

Together with our project coordinator AIMPLAS and our Italian partner ENCO, EUBP has outlined the next steps in BIOnTop’s work package. These include the topics market strategy and innovation impacts as well as dissemination & exploitation planning. During the summer break, EUBP and ENCO also have come to an agreement to shift certain responsibilities related to BIOnTop’s Innovation Management. In this regard a session is currently prepared which will be presented at the consortium’s M18 meeting in November.

Some other related tasks, such as knowledge and IPR management (intellectual property rights) as well as the REACH compliance assessment will be postponed to a later stage. These parts of the protocol of procedures will be implemented once the partners have made further progress.

The partners agreed to set up a database in order to start compiling information for a roadmap for BIOnTOP’s circular value chains and new cross-sector interconnections in bioeconomy clusters. Therefore, all consortium partners will be asked to include their local and international stakeholders.

Status of project partnering, other HORIZON 2020 projects, and proposal/grant agreements:

EUBP’s two positively evaluated project proposals entered the phase for grant preparation. PRESERVE, led by IRIS (who successfully managed PolyBioSkin) and BIOMAC, led by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, are currently compiling all necessary administrative data. The schedule for the project start is February 2021.

EUBP’s participation in the brokerage event "H2020 Virtual Brokerage Event on the European Green Deal Call" on 13/14 October was very valuable to team up with potential partners to develop proposals for EC’s Green Deal Calls in HORIZON 2020. Nevertheless, EUBP is still looking for partners to complement in an arising consortium. In case you are either interested in tackling a specific challenge of one of these calls together with us or if you want to set up an individual project partnering request to distribute it to all members who have signed up for the service, do not hesitate to reach out to us.

For more information or requests concerning EUBP’s project involvements, please contact Christian Schulz (schulz@european-bioplastics.org).


Planned activities

WG Regulatory Affairs

  • Proposal of compromise amendments to European Parliament on CEAP INI
  • Ongoing coordination with BON Group on all core topics
  • Follow up with DGs GROW and ENVI on JRC study and on overall negative bias respectively
  • Drafting of response to public consultation on PPWD ERs (deadline 6 January) and to consultation on sustainable products (deadline 3 December)
  • Drafting of EUBP position on plastics tax regulation
  • Scheduling of discussions on further engagement with the Commission on taxonomy in order to influence the 6 delegated acts
  • Development of political/regulatory sessions at EUBP conference (MEPs and Commission officials invited together with scientific research institute representatives and leading stakeholders)


  • Preparation of 2-pager on EUBP market data 2020
  • Preparation of press releases (EUBP Conference program, EUBP market data, EUBP conference wrap up)
  • General promotion of EUBP Conference and coverage during event
  • Finalization of WG Comms work plan 2021/2022

BON Europe

  • Next web meeting of BON Europe on 12 November 2020.


  • Presentation on market development of bioplastics at 17th session of “Future Forum for a Sustainable Plastics Industry” (German Association of the Plastics Converters, GKV) on 20 November 2020

PG Bio-based

  • TF 1: Update land use estimation, draft graphics on LCA
  • TF 2: Revise Fact Sheet on Energy Recovery
  • TF 3: Finalize Paper on Sugar as feedstock for bio-based plastics
  • Next meeting PG Biobased on 14 January 2021

PG Biodegradables

  • Finalize guidelines on claims concerning biodegradability and compostability
  • Next meeting on 13 January 2021

WG Standardisation

  • Next meeting on 11 December 2020

Seedling Logo

  • Next meeting of the ACS on 4 December 2020

If you have any suggestions regarding the content and/or format of our monthly report, please do not hesitate to share them with us.  

This email is sent to all the contacts of our member companies that we have registered in our database. If you would like to share it with further colleagues, kindly send us an email to members@european-bioplastics.org. 

Kind regards,
Hasso v. Pogrell



European Bioplastics
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