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EUBP General Assembly on 12 December 2024, in Berlin - Invitation and documents

Dear Members,

We cordially invite you to participate in our General Assembly.

Date: Thursday, 12 December 2024
Start: 09:00 am (CET)
Termination: 01:00 pm (CET), followed by a closing lunch
Place: Titanic Hotel, Chausseestraße 30, 10115 Berlin
Room: Stuttgart

Please find enclosed the agenda (download 1) for the General Assembly as well as the Working Programme (download 2) and Budget Proposal (download 3), all of which will be presented and voted upon during the meeting.

At the last General Assembly on 4 June 2024, you have mandated the Board to follow-up on the proposed restructuring process of the association with the aim of setting up an entity in Brussels operating as a non-for-profit association in the form of an AISBL under Belgian law. This task has now been completed. Enclosed, please find the according set of resolutions (download 4) to be voted upon at this meeting as well as the underlying Statutes (download 5 and 6).

Considering the importance to achieve the quorum necessary to pass the resolutions, please make sure to transfer your voting right to a member of your trust surely to attend the meeting in case you are not able to participate. Please note, to be valid, vote transfers must be brought to our attention in written form.

We kindly ask you to return the attached registration form (download 7) a.s.a.p. – latest by Friday, 6 December 2023.

We look forward to seeing you in Berlin.

Kind regards, 
Hasso von Pogrell 
Managing Director 
Invitation (pdf)
Agenda (pdf) 
Budget Proposal (pdf)
Working Programme 2025 (pdf)
Resolutions to vote on (pdf)
Proposed Statutes of EUBP AISBL (pdf)
Proposed Statutes of EUBP e.V. (pdf)
Registration form (pdf)


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European Bioplastics
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10117 Berlin

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