IAM-I - The Innovative Advanced Materials Initiative is collecting inputs on the industrial needs for Innovative Advanced Materials
The IAM-I https://www.iam-i.eu/ is the international non-profit association that will operate the upcoming European co-programmed partnership “Innovative Advanced Materials for Europe (IAM4EU)” which has been recently announced in the EC’s communication on Advanced Materials for industrial Leadership (February 2024) and in the Horizon Europe strategic plan 2025 - 2027.
The ambition of the partnership is to establish and maintain a cross-sectorial, multidisciplinary, collaborative Europe-wide Research and Innovation ecosystem that will significantly accelerate the time-to-market of sustainable innovative advanced materials (IAMs) and associated technologies designed for a digital circular economy.
Advanced materials are understood as materials that are rationally designed to have (i) new or enhanced properties, and/or (ii) targeted or enhanced structural features with the objective to achieve specific or improved functional performance. This includes both new emerging manufactured materials (high tech materials), and materials that are manufactured from traditional materials (low tech materials). (Ref: OECD working description on advanced materials https://one.oecd.org/document/ENV/CBC/MONO(2022)29/en/pdf)
IAM-I will integrate all strands of stakeholders, from upstream developers, downstream users, citizens along industrial value chains enabled by IAMs. IAM-I will provide a common and shared framework covering all materials value chains, and needs and challenges along their lifecycles. IAM4EU will then provide funding for research and innovation actions (RIA) and innovation actions (IA) and will be operated similarly to the Circular Bio-Based Europe Joint Undertaking.
The initiative is currently collecting inputs for its Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda: It is currently possible for industrial players provide inputs on the industrial R&I needs on Advanced Materials by filling the template to be found at the bottom of this page: https://www.iam-i.eu/ The template is focusing on the applications of advanced materials to the following applications: energy, mobility, construction, electronics but also “others” that can be defined in the questionnaire.
The collection of contributions will remain open during the summer period, although feedback before August 10 would be very appreciated.
Kind regards, The EUBP team
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