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Your feedback regarding the Materials Management Concept
Invitation to video-call, 20 April 2023, 9 – 10 a.m.

Dear Members,

I hope you all do well in this hectic and unpredictable time. Since late last year, the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation still dominates a lot of our daily activities at European Bioplastics. Our amendment recommendations have been finally sent out a few days ago, and a meeting of the Environment Council was held already on 16 March 2023.

With so much required and justified short term focus, we all run the risk to lose the larger and long-term picture out of sight. This long-term picture, however, is very important to ensure we keep the overall effort on track. As already discussed at the last Members Meeting in Brussel on 13th December 2022, EUBP intends to publish a Materials Management Concept (MMC) on two levels:

  1. A) A bioplastic independent level valid for all raw materials
  2. B) A bioplastic relevant level detailing the benefits of bioplastics for each point

This concept is now ready, and during the last Members Meeting we agreed to allow all members to provide their opinion before publication. For this reason, we will hold a video-call on 20 April 2023 between 09:00 and 10:00 a.m. The call will be hosted and coordinated by Ms Katrin Schwede, and we will introduce the final draft version. The meeting shall allow you to ask questions and provide feedback. Please see the login details below:


Meeting-ID: 826 9057 4043
Kenncode: 960051

The publication of the final MMC is targeted for early May 2023.

The current draft version of the MMC is attached, and should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Schwede or me.

Until soon &

Thank you, with my best regards
Stefan Barot

Letter (pdf)
Presentation MMC (pdf)


European Bioplastics
Marienstr. 19-20
10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0)30 28 48 23 50
Fax: +49 (0)30 28 48 23 59
Email: members@european-bioplastics.org