Posts including "bioplastics":

Bioplastics and the circular economy

2023-04-20T15:31:06+02:0019 April 2023|Tags: , , , , , , |

Open the document European Bioplastics (EUBP) welcomes the transition away from a linear to a circular economy, whilst urging legislators to consider measures, which accelerate the sustainable development of Europe’s bio-economy by promoting the use of biobased products and the separate collection of biowaste when revising the draft Circular Economy Package and Action [...]

Biodegradable plastics in the single-use context

2023-04-20T15:31:31+02:0019 April 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Open the document On 28 May 2018, the European Commission presented a proposal for a Directive on the reduction of the impact of certain single-use plastic (SUP) products on the environment. The proposal is part of a wider framework of policy initiatives in the European Union aimed at reducing plastic waste and particularly [...]

Industrial use of agricultural feedstock

2023-04-20T15:31:58+02:0019 April 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Open the document The transition from a fossil-based to a renewable, biobased economy is of essential importance if the European Union wants to achieve its goal set in the European Green Deal to become climate neutral by 2050. This transition requires the collaboration of the materials and manufactured products sectors, and, in particular, [...]

Marine litter

2023-04-20T15:32:20+02:0019 April 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Open the document In order to minimise and ultimately prevent further pollution of the marine environment, European Bioplastics: considers the full implementation of EU waste legislation and an increase in the efficiency of waste management crucial; supports the gradual phase-out of landfilling for plastic products in Europe and appropriate measures to expand recycling [...]

Plastic shopping bags

2023-04-21T14:00:50+02:0019 April 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Open the document European Bioplastics recognises the need for a more resource efficient and sustainable economy. An overall reduction in the consumption of plastic shopping bags will play an important role achieving this goal. European Bioplastics advocates the introduction of suitable measures to minimise the consumption of oil-based plastic shopping bags, such as [...]

Biodegradable plastics and the circular economy in Europe

2023-04-20T15:33:40+02:0019 April 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Open the document European Bioplastics (EUBP) welcomes the EU Commission’s efforts to replace the traditional linear economy model (make, use, dispose) by implementing an ambitious circular economy throughout Europe. Bioplastics, and biodegradable plastics in particular, can play an essential part in putting the envisioned circularity model into practice. This paper refers to biodegradable [...]

Sound LCA as a basis for policy formulation

2023-04-20T15:34:06+02:0019 April 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Open the document In recent years, policymakers have become increasingly reliant on the use of Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) to establish a proper basis for more transparent and evidence-based decisionmaking on policies and regulation. However, successful LCAs must take into account a number of considerations in terms of how they influence the final [...]

EUBP membership benefits

2023-12-06T13:22:09+01:0019 April 2023|Tags: , , |

Open the document Companies already involved in the bioplastics business sector but not yet a member of European Bioplastics should consider the advantages of connecting to our information and business platform and enlarging their network. Newcomers to our industry and/or the European market in particular can rely on European Bioplastics to help them [...]

EUBP Statutes and membership fee code

2023-04-20T15:35:13+02:0019 April 2023|Tags: , , |

Open the document Companies already involved in the bioplastics business sector but not yet a member of European Bioplastics should consider the advantages of connecting to our information and business platform and enlarging their network. Newcomers to our industry and/or the European market in particular can rely on European Bioplastics to help them [...]

EUBP Membership application

2023-04-20T15:35:44+02:0019 April 2023|Tags: , , |

Open the document Companies already involved in the bioplastics business sector but not yet a member of European Bioplastics should consider the advantages of connecting to our information and business platform and enlarging their network. Newcomers to our industry and/or the European market in particular can rely on European Bioplastics to help them [...]

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