Posts including "fossil-based":

We need a clear distinction in the communication about the use of verifiable renewable feedstock and “bio-attributed” feedstocks using mass balance 

2023-06-01T16:00:47+02:001 June 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Traditional polymer manufacturing processes heavily rely on fossil fuels as feedstock, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and the depletion of finite resources.   The utilisation of biomass in the plastics sector has evolved to offer sustainable alternatives to conventional fossil-based materials. By leveraging biogenic feedstock, the industry can reduce its environmental impact and promote circularity. [...]

Mass balance approach for the use of biobased feedstock for polymer production

2023-05-04T12:15:33+02:004 May 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Open the document To increase the amount of plastics based on renewable resources on the market and decrease dependence on depletable feedstocks, such as crude oil, the mass balance approach is a complementary step that can be necessary for a fossil-free future. In line with ISO 22095, the mass balance approach is a [...]

A biobased content target (in the context of the PPWR)

2023-04-20T15:24:11+02:0020 April 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Open the document The bioeconomy holds the potential to provide innovative biobased materials and packaging solutions to ensure the sustainability and competitiveness of the EU packaging sector while decoupling economic growth from the use of fossil-based resources. Despite the ambitious climate neutrality target declared in the Green Deal, the Commission’s proposal for a [...]

EUBA position on the JRC LCA Methodology

2023-10-19T15:54:02+02:0019 April 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Open the document The final methodology for life cycle assessment (LCA) of alternative feedstock for plastics production clearly and structurally favours fossil-based over biobased plastics, and so undermines many of the deliverables set out by the European Green Deal. This is wildly at odds with the EU’s commitment towards reducing dependency on fossil-carbon [...]

Industrial use of agricultural feedstock

2023-04-20T15:31:58+02:0019 April 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Open the document The transition from a fossil-based to a renewable, biobased economy is of essential importance if the European Union wants to achieve its goal set in the European Green Deal to become climate neutral by 2050. This transition requires the collaboration of the materials and manufactured products sectors, and, in particular, [...]

Sound LCA as a basis for policy formulation

2023-04-20T15:34:06+02:0019 April 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Open the document In recent years, policymakers have become increasingly reliant on the use of Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) to establish a proper basis for more transparent and evidence-based decisionmaking on policies and regulation. However, successful LCAs must take into account a number of considerations in terms of how they influence the final [...]

FAQs on enzyme-mediated degradable plastics

2023-04-20T15:42:25+02:0019 April 2023|Tags: , , , , , |

Open the document Enzyme-mediated plastics are not bioplastics. They are conventional, fossil-based plastics with additives. They are neither biodegradable nor compostable. EuBP recommends using only materials certified according to EN and ISO standards. Find the answers to frequently asked questions on enzyme-mediated plastics.

Mechanical Recycling

2023-04-20T15:47:29+02:0018 April 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Open the document Mechanical Recycling is currently the dominant recycling technique for post-consumer plastic packaging waste. Sorting and reprocessing technologies are available in most EU Member States with varying levels of recycling quotas. EU waste legislation requires binding recycling targets in the future. Recycling biobased plastics increases the fossil carbon reduction potential by [...]

EEA recognizes role of biobased plastics as a pathway towards circular plastics in Europe

2023-02-28T15:44:48+01:0028 February 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

“Plastics play an essential role in modern society. However, their value chain is currently unsustainable, contributing to the generation of climate changing emissions and increasing waste and pollution. Reducing such impacts while retaining plastics’ usefulness requires a shift towards a more circular and sustainable plastics system”, states the European Environment Agency (EEA) in a [...]

Producers of biobased and biodegradable materials raise concerns over proposed definition of “natural polymers” in REACH restriction

2023-02-28T15:44:35+01:0028 February 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In in the context of the currently discussed REACH restriction of microplastics, several business associations representing producers of biobased and biodegradable materials, including European Bioplastics, developed a joint letter to raise concerns about the proposed definition of “natural polymers” and its impact on biopolymers. The signatories’ members are companies that industrially produce solutions based [...]

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