Posts including "sustainability":

Is “bio” the way forward?

2021-04-30T14:12:08+02:0030 April 2021|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Read in the following a guest contribution by BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE (BPE) introducing the European research project coordinated by the Hamburg University of Applied Science. For the EU Horizon 2020-funded project BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE “bio” is indeed the way forward. With 22 partners from 13 countries, the project represents both, the research and the industry sector. [...]

News from the members: February 2021

2021-03-31T15:35:31+02:0031 March 2021|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

FKuR and SKYi establish joint venture in India  FKuR Kunststoff GmbH and India's SKYi Innovations LLP recently established the Skyi FKuR Biopolymers Pvt Ltd joint venture at the end of 2019 to further strengthen their cooperation. The local production of biodegradable, partially biobased plastics has now begun. This is a further step in implementing the FKuR mission to leave the world a little better [...]

News in brief: March 2021

2021-03-31T15:25:59+02:0031 March 2021|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Polymateria misuses RecyClass Recyclability Evaluation Protocols  RecyClass, a cross-industry initiative that offers recyclability certifications and recycled content traceability certification for plastic packaging, informed about a misuse of its RecyClass Recyclability Evaluation Protocols by the British start-up Polymateria. After RecyClass had refused a request by Polymateria, the company commissioned Impact Solutions to carry out a recyclability test for their polyethylene film with biodegradable additive technology called PLM-G. Later, the [...]

EU research project BIOnTop explores protein coatings to enhance barrier properties of bio-based films

2021-03-31T15:17:28+02:0031 March 2021|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

BIOnTop’s research teams are pursuing various strategies to optimise biopolymers with a specific focus on protein-based coatings. European Bioplastics supports the BIOnTop project as consortium partner.  Most sensitive foods are packaged in multi-layer composite films to ensure sufficient flavour, water vapor, and oxygen barriers to maintain products’ quality and increase its shelf life. However, most of these composite [...]

Using LCA to compare bio-based and fossil-based plastics is not that simple

2021-03-30T11:08:12+02:0030 March 2021|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Constance Ißbrücker, Head of Environmental Affairs at European Bioplastics e.V. Life cycle assessment (LCA) has evolved to be the preferred tool to assess the environmental sustainability of certain products and materials. Recently it has also been used with great enthusiasm to compare bio-based with fossil-based plastics. It seems to be an easy instrument to draw [...]

Member portrait: CJ Europe

2021-10-07T10:56:07+02:0026 February 2021|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Member portrait: CJ Europe  In each issue of the Bioplastics Newsletter, we present some facts about a member of European Bioplastics. This month, Eung Joo Kim, Biochemicals Business Team Leader at CJ Europe, shares some interesting insights on his company.   5 facts about CJ Europe, Germany   CJ CheilJedang, starting as sugar manufacturer in 1953, has led the Korean food Industry and has grown into a global food and bio company. [...]

News in brief: February 2021

2021-02-26T14:02:33+01:0026 February 2021|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Algae represent a largely untapped resource in Europe  The European Commission is preparing a comprehensive, cross-sectorial EU algae initiative, aimed at increasing the sustainable production, consumption, and use of algae-based products. Because of its small carbon and environmental footprint, the increased use of algae will help achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal. [...]

News in brief: January 2021

2021-01-29T11:55:37+01:0029 January 2021|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Yum China launches plastic reduction and sustainable packaging initiatives Yum, the operator of fast-food chain KFC and restaurant brand Pizza Hut announced new environmentally friendly packaging initiatives that are expected to reduce its amount of non-degradable plastics by approximately 8,000 tonnes annually starting this year. Some of the initiatives include replacing existing plastic packaging [...]

EU Commission report confirms role of biodegradable plastics within a circular economy

2023-10-19T15:52:39+02:0018 December 2020|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

This year has already seen quite an impressive number of studies, reports, and additional publications related to bioplastics that were published by the European Commission (EC). Most of them contribute to the development of a framework for bioplastics included in the EC’s Circular Economy Action Plan. For the bioplastics industry, a clear framework is [...]

Member portrait: Sidaplax

2021-10-07T10:56:07+02:0018 December 2020|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Roel Seegers, Business Development Manager for bio-based and compostable films, Sidaplax In each issue of the Bioplastics Bulletin, we present some facts about a member of European Bioplastics. This month, Roel Seegers, Business Development Manager for bio-based and compostable films at Sidaplax, shares some interesting insights on his company.    5 facts about Sidaplax, Belgium  As one of the world’s largest PLA film [...]

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