The members area on the EUBP website offers detailed information on composting and anaerobic digestion in several European countries. This Composting and Anaerobic Digestion Landscape is a special service for EUBP members and has just been updated to reflect the most recent developments across Europe. With information on Belgium, Germany, UK, Spain, and many other EU Member States, EUBP aims to provide a better and comprehensive understanding on how the organic recycling infrastructure is established in different countries and how biodegradable, compostable plastics are dealt with at their end of life. The country profiles provide a country-specific overview of national bodies, legislation dealing with composting and anaerobic digestion, and accessibility to established infrastructure for composting, anaerobic digestion and home composting.
As a general trend, the number of facilities for organic recycling is increasing for both industrial composting plants as well as anaerobic digestion (AD) plants, with the number of AD plants showing a higher increase. As far as biodegradable and compostable plastics are concerned, an increasing number of regulations can be observed as well, some positive, some rather restrictive, which highlights the need for more harmonized rules across Europe.
The information was compiled with the help of the EUBP members active in several working groups as well as together with BON Europe, the network of European national bioplastics associations.
The map is a work in process with more information and country profiles continuously being added. EUBP members can access the full Composting & Anaerobic Digestion Landscape on the EUBP website’s members’ area. If you’re not a member yet, find out about the benefits of becoming a member and how to apply here. If you have questions or wish to provide more information on the EU composting and AD landscape, please write to Katharina Hinse.